I Win

"I Win" by CDK1994

"My name is Roger, and I am crazy." I say into the microphone of my headphones.
"I'm so crazy, crazy good at this game!" I say bragging like we high schoolers do when we play games online.
As I played, it grew later and later until I glanced at the clock and it read 3 A.M. "Shit!" I said hatefully turning my T.V. and PlayStation off.
I hit the hay and hoped that school would be delayed tomorrow by a fog or anything else. I drifted into sleep, but as soon as I closed my eyes my T.V. turned on. I got up and turned it off. "No big deal." I thought. I got back to my bed and the t.v. came on again. This time my PlayStation was also on, but the screen was static.
I sluggishly moved back over to the T.V. and reached for the power button. The speakers let out a deafening screech and I hit the deck. Then out of nowhere it stopped, but when I looked up the screen had changed. It read "The Game.", and under it was no companies only and eerie red mist and the press start prompt. I didn't want to play, but i felt strange, like I was supposed to.
I grabbed the controller and hit start. It took a minute but the game ran through a cinematic. The cinematic shown me a row of warriors and an empty spot. As it reached the spot I heard "Welcome to The Game." I waited for a character selection screen to appear, but nothing happened it just stayed at the same screen.
I got frustrated and went back to bed. "To hell with this shit." I yelled, but as soon as I turned around I hear "Roger." I wasn't like I was being called though it was more like it was being announced, then I hear, "Versus Grimiore."
I spun around to see what was going on. To my horror I see a man with a ripped of face and exposed heart standing in front of me. I heard "3,2,1, Massacre!" and prepared for the worst.
He came at me with a meat hook and farming sickle. I ran to the door and grabbed the handle. Sadly It was stuck almost as if it were locked from the other side. So I ran around my room looking for a weapon, but he was wise to this and swung at me with every intention of splattering my all over the place.
A quick trip around the room decided my fate. I had nothing no weapons and no hope of winning. His body covered in scars and muscles so a physical struggle was out of question. As he came at me I dodged and dodged until he finally hit. His meat hook went into my leg and as soon as it hit my bone he ripped it out tearing my leg almost completely off.
I screamed and watched him prepare another strike, but then I remembered his heart was exposed. I got up and grabbed it. He looked at me growled. I ripped it out and hit the ground hard. He grabbed his chest and laughed. "That's just for show." He said devilishly. With that he took one final look at me and swung his sickle. "Game over,"
He said, "I win."